
Where Is Boasting?: Early Jewish Soteriology and Paul’s Response in Romans 1–5 is unavailable, but you can change that!

This important work challenges the validity of the “New Perspective” on Paul and Judaism. Working with new data from Jewish literature and a fresh reading of Romans 1–5, Simon Gathercole produces a far-reaching criticism of the current approach to Paul and points a new way forward. Building on a detailed examination of the past generation of scholarship on Paul and early Judaism, Gathercole’s...

trust in him without requiring them to express that trust through the hallowed rituals of cult and law.… This is why Abraham is such a crucial test case. If he was declared righteous by God apart from any covenant ritual or obligation then he demonstrates that God’s righteousness extends to all who have faith without reference to any such works of the law.”88 Issues of covenant ritual are not relevant here. It is incorrect to say that Paul does not polemicize against reward here because Paul and
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